Sunday Teams
The Northgate Worship Team exists to praise God through diverse types of music. Our desire is to encourage the congregation to worship through musical excellence, creativity, passion and variety. Above all, we desire for God to be glorified through everything we do as a worship team (Colossians 3:16-17).
Our warm and welcoming hospitality team greets everyone who comes to worship on Sunday mornings. They look for first time guests, directing them to the welcome center to fill out a connection card and receive a free gift. They also have team members who help new families get registered and help the kids find their classrooms. They have the opportunity to show the love of Christ to all who walk through the doors of Northgate Church.
Our dedicated team of adult Bible teachers plays a crucial role in delivering comprehensive Bible education throughout the year. They lead engaging and insightful classes every Sunday morning for both adults and teens. In addition to these regular sessions, they also conduct short term classes and facilitate Bible studies during the week. Thanks to this awesome team, we're able to offer great Bible teaching that helps everyone grow spiritually.
Make a difference in the life of a child! As a part of the Kids Ministry Team at Northgate, you will have the opportunity to serve kids from birth to 5th grade in various settings. On Sundays, we invite team members to rock babies, play with toddlers and to teach preschoolers and elementary kids about Jesus while their parents attend Sunday school and worship. On Wednesday evenings, we offer Awana, which is a Bible club where kids learn about Jesus and have a blast with their friends. Every summer, we offer MEGA sports camp, which is a week long sports camp where kids can get active and learn about God! Join the team and find great purpose as you use your God-given gifts to serve Jesus and kids!
The main goal of the Youth Team is to lead Youth to follow Jesus. Our Small Group Leaders play a key role in that as they build relationships with students, discuss Biblical truth, and help equip students to serve Jesus through leading a small group. The core function of a small group leader is to lead a discussion based on a lesson, and in the process, come alongside students in their discipleship journey.
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Other Teams
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This team enjoys cooking and working in the church kitchen. They prepare and serve meals for various events as they arise throughout the year.
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Our quilter team is as thoughtful as they come. They make quilters for new babies, those who are sick, those in need, or those who can no longer attend church in person. They use their quilter making skills to encourage and love others.
Our communications team is gifted in capturing special moments at events. They also love to engage on our social media platforms to promote community in our church.
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This team loves to work with their hands. They help with weeding, planting flowers and other gardening projects on our church property throughout the year.